My Metaphor of Education


Education is like a bridge. Bridge (structure), structure designed to provide continuous passage over an obstacle. Bridges commonly carry highways, railroad lines, and pathways over obstacles such as waterways, deep valleys, and other transportation routes. Bridges may also carry water, support power cables, or house telecommunications lines.
Like a bridge, Education has its own structure and foundation designed for learning. Education developed from the human struggle for survival and enlightenment. It may be formal or informal. Informal education refers to the general social process by which human beings acquire the knowledge and skills needed to function in their culture. Formal education refers to the process by which teachers instruct students in courses of study within institutions.
  Bridge designs differ in the way they support loads. These loads include the weight of the bridges themselves, the weight of the material used to build the bridges, and the weight and stresses of the vehicles crossing them. Each design differs in appearance, construction methods and materials used, and overall expense.

Like a bridge education designs differ according to the learner’s level of education. Levels of education in modern societies can go from preschools to colleges and universities.


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